We are a global financial services group operating in 34 markets

Trade Globis people are empowered to innovate and invest for a better future.

We improve investing by offering expert advice and custom investment options to achieve financial goals.

Our experienced professionals will work with you to create a customized plan tailored to your specific needs.

Our Company

Making a profitable global investment market

Trade Globis is the leading financial establishment providing high-quality international investment services. We are always ready to partner with you by offering full financial support to individuals and companies worldwide.

The diversity of our operations, combined with a strong capital position and robust risk management framework, has contributed to our 29-year record of unbroken profitability.

When we talk about real estate investment, we refer to a tremendous opportunity to increase your wealth. We have already set up reliable bases in close to 34 nations. We are able to purchase landed properties in each of these nations, manage them, and distribute profits to all of our investors. 

The fact that we have properties all around this country that are providing us with excellent returns makes this idea very astounding. One noteworthy aspect of the investment is that it is a one-time payment, and you continue to receive rewards after each investing cycle.

Incorporated in Australia

  • Registration date: March 4, 1994
  • Company Number: ACN 678 543 766
  • Office: 81 Mackie Street Nowra East, New South Wales(NSW), 2541
  • Industry: Diversified Financials
  • Chief Executive Officer: David Ross Jones.

Forex trading is considered as one of the largest and most liquid markets in the world. According to a recent triennial report from the Bank for International Settlements (a global bank for national central banks), the dollar amount of daily transactions in the Forex market is around USD 5 trillion and $1.5 trillion of this amount comes from spot trading. 

The large dimensions of the market makes finding buyers and sellers fast and easy, allowing for a dynamic investing process. This volatility can be difficult because of the limited decision time, that is why dedicated investor teams tend to be more successful than “side traders”.

Digital exchange, also referred to as the digital currency exchange or the cryptocurrency exchange, is a digital marketplace that allows customers, be it businesses or individuals, to trade cryptocurrencies. They can be exchanged for conventional fiat currencies or other digital currencies.Cryptocurrencies have seen a great surge in both value an sortiment of available positions to invest. This market has become especially popular among investors that prefer trading short term - on price movements.

Currently there are more than 1 500 different cryptocurrencies that can all be traded. Since it is imperative that investors are experts in the price movements and trends of the currency they are planning to trade with, the ability to compartmentalize, research independently, and then combine the knowledge as a team is key to our ability to execute high return yielding trades.The crypto market consists of a lot of small players and potential unicorns in the making. Because of this, public outlook on individual coins as well as the market itself is vital. Even more so than with Forex markets, this is a market of information and perception. 

This means, that prices are influenced by media coverage, government regulations and concerns over them, even statements from influencers in the crypto and business fields.Strong knowledge of the field and continuous research are the cornerstones of our investing approach, and this approach allows us to successfully trade cryptocurrencies in short term, making a sizeable profit on the volatility of the market.

Elements of Our Success

Why we succeed

Trading Performance

High efficiency of traders, which was the result of the comprehensive and rigorous training of each member of our team.

Instant Withdrawal

Withdrawal requests are immediately entered in the automatic processing queue. Waiting is kept to a minimum

Client Focus

Quality service, transparency of work, fast feedback and accessibility

Data Security

Our platform provides a high level of security for its customers. The company's servers are resistant to any DDoS attacks, as well as all traffic from clients to go through reliable SSL encryption.

24/7 Support

The best specialized professionals from Trade Globis will come to your aid in case business circumstances require it. Each Client of the Company can count on a personal approach in resolving all possible issues related to cooperation with us.

Trading Efficiency

The high level of training of traders and the use of innovative methods of analytics and monitoring indicative exchange fluctuations allows for maximizing profits.

Investment Categories

Investment Plans

Brokerage Basic


after 2 days
Most Popular
Brokerage Pro


After 4 days
Brokerage Plus


after 7 days
Brokerage Deluxe


after 14 days
Brokerage Ultimate


after 30 days
Gold Basic


after 3 months
Most Popular
Gold Pro


After 6 months
GOld plus


Real estate Basic


after 1 month
Most Popular
Real estate PRO


after 3 months
Real estate plus


after 5 months
Agriculture Basic


after 14 days
Most Popular
Agriculture PRO


After 14 days
Agriculture plus


after 14 days


Duration Optional

Our services

Investing on profitable business areas

Real Estate Investment

The Real Estate division is a global investment business with a focus on real estate, managing around $20 billion in assets and offers a wide range of services.


Cryptocurrency has been on the rise in recent years, and for good reason. As an investment option, it offers a number of benefits that traditional investments simply cannot match.


Maximize your return on investment while making a positive impact on the environment with agricultural investments from Trade Globis. Invest in the future of food production.

Forex Trading

We have been a leading provider of foreign exchange transactional services for more than 30 years, providing seamless client coverage over spot and FX derivatives in all the major currency pairs.

Gold Mining

Following the sale of Barrick Gold Corporation’s 50 per cent interest in the Kalgoorlie Super Pit to Saracen Mineral Holdings in November 2019, Northern Star Resources Limited and Trade Globis Capital...

Oil Trading

Investing in the oil market may come as a surprise, but it is now possible for anyone to profit from it. The advancement of online trading platforms has opened the door for individuals to speculate...

Live Statistics

Keep tracks of company statistics

We have over


employees globally
We operate in

markets across the world
Our people represent


different cultural identities

Affiliate Program

Earn More by promoting us!

Affiliate Ranking system

Our affiliate program provides members with the opportunity to financially benefit from Trade Globis while contributing to the growth of our community. Associates earn a 10% commission from all direct referrals, with no additional commission from passive referrals.

Official Representative

Becoming an official representative of Trade Globis is a great way to start your affiliate career and take advantage of its earning potential. As an official representative, you will receive a commission of 10% from all direct referrals, providing a solid foundation for your income. This program provides a straightforward and efficient way to earn money while promoting Trade Globis and contributing to its growth.

Be aware that representatives are held accountable for upholding additional responsibilities towards Trade Globis, which we expect to be met at all times.

Balance Delegated By Top Techology

Trade Globis is a bridge that meticulously mediate between each loan placed by the members and our growing list of borrowers. A strong emphasis was placed on lender's positive experience with platform interface & intuitive navigation when executing all sorts of transactions.

There is a balance of financial forces that we at Trade Globis must seamlessly contemplate in the background to sustain a stable high-yielding crowd funding system. We can achieve that by limiting loan principal withdrawals to 34% only after day #22 and by Capitalex automated distribution of partners returns (borrowers) based on loan dates.


What do people say about us

Saul Goodman


Trade Globis has made investing simple and accessible. I really did not believe the extent you all go to ensure that profits are being made all the time, but your reputation exceeds you all. I appreciate the furtune I made with you.

Sara Wilsson


Everyone can save money, but not everyone can invest it. I was one of those people who needed to be persuaded several times before I started investing, but I honestly don't regret it.

Jena Karlis


This platform has transformed the way I approach investing. The recommendations are data-driven and unbiased, giving me confidence in my investment decisions.

Matt Brandon


I have tried a number of methods to raise my revenue as a freelancer who makes a little living online, and Trade Globis appears to be doing the job rather successfully. Now I know why the rich keeps getting richer (Its always through investment).

John Larson


Being an entrepreneur doesn't necessarily mean you have to work everything out on your own or that your business should be the only source of income; in most circumstances, you need a helping hand, and Trade Globis has been my advantage.

We accept

Trade Globis is the leading financial establishment providing high-quality international investment services. We are always ready to partner with you by offering full financial support to individuals and companies worldwide.

© Trade Globis. All Rights Reserved.